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Bits and Bobs
Words that come to me as they will.
spiritual dissonance
loving something fully and accepting that you or it will leave eventually.
it is the hard ones who are brittle
for too long i have mistaken rigidity for strength when it is air water and fire that do not break
i have forgiven you in the sense that i no longer hold on to the seeds of resentment you so carelessly scattered across my garden but do...
all the difference in the world
it is not enough to flee from something without any idea of the alternative you seek
the feeling of being grounded | why i meditate
one day, it will descend upon you. not the star-struck epiphany you’d imagined, but a sweeping sense of calm that blankets you like fog...
love is unconditional by definition
a love that is predicated upon me giving everything you want is no love at all
hindsight is 20/20
only looking back are we able to trace the path of our echoes back to their origins
how memory works
making constellations out of disparate stars.
drunk with sleep; 陶醉
like diving to the bottom of the ocean and breathing air through water.
the feeling of being utterly alive
there are days when my life feels completely out of focus a willful sort of blurring and others when the scents and colours are so sharp...
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